Footwork & Stances
Footwork is one of the foundations of karate - self defense, kihon, kata or kumite
Kihon Tachi Kata |
Hei Soku Dachi [Hey-soku dah-chee] | Attention Stance |
Musubi Dachi [Moo-sue-be Dah-chee] | Ceremonial Stance |
Heiko Dachi [Hey-koh Dah-chee] | Ready Stance |
Hachiji Dachi [Ha-ji-chee Dah-chee] | Ready Stance |
Naifanchi Dachi [Nigh-fun-chee Dah-chee | Strengthening Stance |
Shiko Dachi [She-koh Dah-chee] | Strengthening Stance |
Kiba Dachi [Kee-bah Dah-chee] | Strengthening Stance |
Zenkutsu Tachi Kata |
Zenkutsu Dachi [Zen-koo-tsoo Dah-chee] | Front Stance |
Other Stances |
Heian Dachi [Hey-ah-n Dah-chee] | Fighting/Self Defence Stance |
Sabaki Footwork |
Aiumi-ashi [Ah-oo-me Ah-she] | Stepping forwards/backwards |
Yori-ashi [Yoh-ree Ah-she] | Sliding forwards |
Hiki-ashi [He-kee Ah-she] | Sliding backwards |
Yoko Sabaki [Yoh-koh Sah-bar-key] | Sidewards footwork |
Hiraki [He-rah-key] | “Opening” footwork |
Hineri Sabaki [He-neh-ree Sah-bar-key] | “Twisting” footwork – sidewards footwork with the addition of angle work |