A basic understanding of the terminology will assist you in classCommencement of Class | |
Sensei Ni Rei [Sen-say-knee ray] | Sensei O-negai shimasu [Oh-neh-guy She-muss] |
Senpai Ni Rei [Sen-pie-knee ray] | Senpai O-negai shimasu [Oh-neh-guy She-muss] |
Otagai Ni Rei [Oh-tah-guy-knee ray] | O-negai shimasu [Oh-neh-guy She-muss] |
Conclusion of Class | |
Sensei Ni Rei [Sen-say-knee ray] | Sensei Arigatōgozaimashita [Ah-ree-gah-toh Goh-zai-mah-shta] |
Senpai Ni Rei [Sen-pie-knee ray] | Senpai Arigatōgozaimashita [Ah-ree-gah-toh Goh-zai-mah-shta] |
Otagai Ni Rei [Oh-tah-guy-knee ray] | Arigatōgozaimashita [Ah-ree-gah-toh Goh-zai-mah-shta] |
- Commencement of class = (lit. Teacher, please) “Teacher, please help me in my endeavours.”
- Conclusion of class = (lit. Teacher, thank you) “Teacher, thank you for what you have done for me”
Morning | Arrival | Sensei O-hayou Gozaimasu [She-harn/Sen-say O-ha-yo Gohzah-ee-muss] "Teacher, Good Morning" |
Departure | Sensei Sayonara [(She-harn/Sensei Sah-yo-nah-rah] "Teacher, Goodbye" |
Afternoon | Arrival | Sensei Konnichi wa [She-harn/Sen-say Kon-nee-chiwah] “Teacher, Good afternoon/hello” |
Departure | Sensei Sayonara [She-harn/Sen-say Sah-yo-nah-rah] “Teacher, Goodbye” |
Evening | Arrival | Sensei Konban Wa [She-harn/Sen-say Kon-bahn-wa] “Teacher, Good Evening” |
Departure | Sensei O-Yasumi Nasai [She-harn/Sen-say Oh-yahsue-me-na-sigh] “Teacher, Goodnight” |
- Remember that after greeting instructors and other members, complete your attendance sheet
Command | Pronunciation | Meaning |
Rei | [Ray] | Bow |
Yoi | [Yoh-ee] | Ready |
Kamae | [Ka-mah-eh] | Take your position |
Seiza | [Say-zah] | Ceremonial seated positions |
Shomen | [Shoh-men] | Front |
Otagaini | [Otah-guy-ni] | Together |
Mokuso | [Mo-koo-soh] | Meditation |
Hajime | [Ha-gee-meh] | Start/commence |
Yame | [Yah-mey] | Stop |
Hai | [Ha-ee] | Yes |
Iie | [Ee-eh] | No |
Wakarimasen | [Wa-ka-ree-mah-sen] | I don't understand |
Migi | [Me-gee] | Right |
Hidari | [He-dah-ree] | Left |
Kiai | [Kee-I] | Martial art shout/yell |
Terminology | Pronunciation | Meaning |
Dojo | [Doh-joh] | Training hall |
Honbu Dojo | [Hon-bu Doh-joh] | Headquarter training hall |
Dan | [Done] | Refers to the grade of Black Belt |
Kyu | [K-you] | Refers to the grades below Black Belt |
Kihon | [Kee-hon] | Basic training |
Kata | [Kah-tah] | Formal pattern training |
Kumite | [Koo-me-teh] | Practical application training with an opponent (Self defence, sparring including sports karate) |
Tan Gan Ho | [Tun-gun-hoh] | Activity to promote arm position, footwork, eye control |
Count | Pronunciation | Meaning |
Ichi | [Ee-chee] | 1 |
Ni | [Knee] | 2 |
San | [Sun] | 3 |
Shi | [She] | 4 |
Go | [Goh] | 5 |
Roku | [Roh-koo] | 6 |
Shichi | [She-chee] | 7 |
Hachi | [Hah-chee] | 8 |
Kyuu | [Q] | 9 |
Jyuu | [Jew] | 10 |
Block | Pronunciation | Meaning |
Gedan Barai | [Geh-dun Bah-rye] | Downward block |
Age Uke | [Ah-geh Oo-keh] | Upward block |
Soto Uke | [Soh-Toh Oo-keh] | Outside block |
Uchi Uke | [Ooh-chee Ooh-keh] | Inside block |
Nagashi Uke | [Nah-Gah-she OohKeh] | Sweeping block |
Jodan Haishu Uke | [Hi-shoe Ooh-keh] | Hand block |
Jodan Nagashi Haishu Uke | [Hi-shoe Ooh-keh] | Double block using the two blocks above consecutively |
Gedan Soto Barai | [Geh-done Soh-toh Bar-rye] | Sweeping block covering the stomach or lower targets – similar to downward block but with the blocking hand is open |
Osae Uke | [O-sah-eh Oo-keh] | Pressing block |
Punch | Pronunciation | Meaning |
Ken | [Ken] | Fist |
Shomen-Tsuki | [Shoh-men Ski] | Punch to the front |
Gyaku-Tsuki | [Gi-yah-ku Ski] | Reverse punch |
Jun Tsuki | [Joon-Ski] | Front fist punch (stationary) |
O(i)-Tsuki | [Oi ski] | Lunge punch |
O(i)-Gyaku Tsuki | [Oi Gi-yah-ku Ski] | Step in lunch punch; stationary reverse punch |
Kicks | Pronunciation | Meaning |
Hiza Geri | [He-zah Geh-ree] | Knee kick |
Shomen Keri | [Show-men Keh-ree] | Front kick from Musubi Dachi |
Kehan-ashi | [Keh-han Ah-she] | Stationary front/snap kick in either Zenkutsu Dachi or Heian Dachi |
Mae Geri | [Mah-eh Geh-ree] | Front kick and land forward |
Mawashi Geri | [Mah-wah-she Geh-ree] | Roundhouse kick |
Strikes | Pronunciation | Meaning |
Hiji Uchi | [He-jee ooh-chee] | Elbow strike |
Tate Hiji Uchi | [He-jee ooh-chee ta-teh] | Vertical elbow strike (usual target is under the opponent’s chin) |
Yoko Hiji Uchi | [Yoh-ko He-jee ooh-chee ta-teh] | Elbow strike to the side |
Ushiro Hiji Uchi | [Ooh-she-roh He-jee ooh-chee] | Elbow strike behind |
Uraken Uchi | [Oohrah-ken ooh-chee] | Back fist strike |
Otoshi Uraken Uchi | [Oh-toh-she Oohrah-ken ooh-chee] | Dropping back fist (usual target is on top of the bridge of the nose) |
Yoko Uraken Uchi | [Yoh-ko Oohrah-ken ooh-chee] | Back fist strike to the side |
Ushiro Uraken Uchi | [Ooh-she-roh Oohrah-ken ooh-chee] | Back fist strike behind |
Kata category | Kata specifics | Description |
Happo (Eight Directional) | Happo Tsuki | Eight directional punching |
Happo Tsuki Keri | Eight directional punching + kicking | |
No Waza (Four Directional) | Sonoba Shiho Waza | Stationary Multi-directional/4 directions punching: right foot back into ‘kamae’ |
Shiho Waza | Multi-directional techniques - left foot back into ‘kamae’ with lunge punch on the last move |
O(i)-Tsuki no Waza | Lunge punches technique | |
Keri No Waza | Kicks technique | |
Uke No Waza | Blocks technique | |
Gyaku Tsuki No Waza | Reverse punchess technique | |
No Kata (“H” Pattern) | O(i)- Tsuki No Kata | Lunge punches pattern |
Keri No Kata | Kicks pattern | |
Uke No Kata | Blocks pattern | |
Gyaku Tsuki No Kata | Reverse punches pattern | |
Hangeki (Counter attack) | O(i) - Tsuki No Kata Hangeki | Lunge punches pattern with counter attacks |
Pinan Series | Pinan Nidan | 2nd Step in the Pinan series of kata |
- Syllabus of kata for White and Yellow Belts